Christy needs to Blog: one more rant...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

one more rant...

So I'm watching this show on Discovery Health Channel and this woman just said:

"Just because I have a child doesn't mean I have to change. She goes with me everywhere."

What? Sorry, I think you should change when you have a child. There is suddently another person in your life who is so imprtant it is right for you to put their needs above your own. You don't have to become a completelty different person, but having a child changes you.

Oh, and what happens when you want to go somewhere and your child is an independant and stubborn toddler and not the portable 3 month old she has while the show is being filmed. I'll think she'll change her tune...

My question is: Is changing really a bad thing? People say it like it is, but I think change can be a wonderful and is totally necessary in life. Anyone having anything to say about change? Good or bad?
posted by MamaChristy at 11:24 AM | 6 comments | |