Wednesday, November 01, 2006
So you'll have to wait for pictures
I have lots of pictures of the boy dressed as the cutest little black belt karate man you ever did see, but they are not on my computer and won't be until tonight. So, I'll share those with you later tonight or tomorrow.We have had days of Halloween fun and I'm both sad and thrilled to see it come to an end. Sunday our fledgling neighborhood had a Fall Party in our cul-de-sac and between the hot dogs and inflatable bouncer, the kids had a blast. We gave the boy a bite of sno-cone and it was too cold. I haven't seen him make a face like that in response to food in about a year.
Tuesday, J's office had a lunch party for Halloween. Almost everyone in his office dressed up and there were soem really creative costumes. All of the Account Executives dressed up as their clients and that made for some really clever outfits. J was a "Mac belt" rather than a "Black belt" and we made a t-shirt with "Macs On! Macs Off!" on the back. I thought of Stolie and her "Random Like Ralph Macchio" posts the entire time I was making the shirt.
Last night was all the trick-or-treating fun and it was just that: fun. The boy wasn't walking on Halloween last year - which is amazing to think about - but he really got into it this year. He knocked on doors and said both "trick-a-treat" and "thanks" to everyone. Awesome.
The only sad thing about it all this year is that my Halloween lamp was taken from the porch. My cute little ghost holding a pumpkin that has been in my family for over 30 years was taken while we were out trick-or-treating. I know, I know. I shouldn't have left it on the porch. But I live in the sticks! People are nice and don't take things out here! After the boy was in bed, I decided to check and make sure that it hadn't been stuffed in the bushes or anything before I put the notes on the mail boxes asking that whoever took it, return it. As I stepped out the front door, I almost tripped over the lamp! I don't know how it got back home, but I'm really happy that it did.
How was your Halloween?