Christy needs to Blog: Sold!

Monday, November 07, 2005


So the house has a contract on it. I still have to show the house for 10 more days, in case the deal falls through, but assuming that the inspection comes in pretty clean (which it should) this will no longer be our house on Dec. 15.

I'm thrilled, but also sad. This was our first home. We worked hard to make it lovely and happy. The boy was conceived here and came home from the hospital to this house. *sigh* I have to remember we will make many wonderful new memories in the new house and we don't have to sell our happy memories with the house; those we get to keep. The worst part is that I have to have the boy's nursery painted. I worked really hard to make that room so special, and these people (a retired couple) don't have need of such a beautiful room.

Today we begin the search for a rental place for the next four months. J has the name of a guy that our realtor gave us and hopefully we will find something safe and clean very soon. We won't sign a rental agreement until the option period (what the next ten days is called) is over, but we need to start looking if we are going to move the first week in December. At least we know that we have a down payment for the next house!
posted by MamaChristy at 7:03 AM | 1 comments | |