Christy needs to Blog: Back to our regularly scheduled programming

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Back to our regularly scheduled programming

My kitchen. I love it. It has a ton of cabinet space, a flat-top stove with an oven door that doesn't get hot when it is on, a built in microwave, an island and a snazzy fridge with the freezer on the bottom (thanks to my parents and a very nice gift of money last Christmas to help with that particular purchase (yes, the beast of a fridge was so expensive we needed help paying for it!)).

The best view:

The view so you can tell where it is in relation to the dining room (you can see my orange wall over there):

The view from the laundry room so you can see where the kitchen is in relation to the living room:

And a bonus room not worthy of its own post: Laundry/pathway to the garage. Not the most exciting and the room but where I spent much of my day doing six - count 'em, SIX - loads of laundry yesterday:

And another bonus! Don't you feel like it's your lucky day? A couple of shots of my boys at the bird exhibit at the zoo:


posted by MamaChristy at 11:00 AM | 2 comments | |